m6A RNA Methylation Quantification Kit(Colorimetric)
發布者:小編發布時間:2022-01-06 14:16

N6 -methyl-adenosine (m6 A) is the most common and abundant  modification on RNA molecules present in eukaryotes. The m6 A  modification is catalyzed by a methyltransferase complex  METTL3 and removed by the recently discovered m6 A RNA  demethylases FTO and ALKBH5, which catalyze m6 A  demethylation in an α-ketoglutarate (α-KG)- and Fe2+-dependent  manner.  It was shown that METTL3, FTO and ALKBH5 play  important roles in many biological processes, ranging from  development and metabolism to fertility. m6 A accounts for more  than 80% of all RNA base methylations and exists in various  species. m6 A is mainly distributed in mRNA and also occurs in  noncoding RNA such as tRNA, rRNA and snRNA. The relative  abundance of m6 A in mRNA transcripts has been shown to affect  RNA metabolism processes such as splicing, nuclear export,  translation ability and stability and RNA transcription. Abnormal m6 A methylation levels induced by defects in m6 A  RNA methylase and demethylase could lead to dysfunction of  RNA and cause disease.

 For example, abnormally low levels of m6 A in target mRNAs due  to increased FTO activity in patients with FTO mutations, through  an as-yet undefined pathway, contributes to the onset of obesity and related diseases. The dynamic and reversible chemical m6 A  modification on RNA may also serve as a novel epigenetic marker  of profound biological significance. Therefore, more useful  information for better understanding of m6 A RNA methylation  levels and distribution on RNA transcripts could benefit diagnostics  and therapeutics of disease.

m6A RNA Methylation Quantification Kit(Colorimetric)(圖1)

Reversible m6 A methylation in mRNA

(Niu Y et al: Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, 11: 2013)




m6A RNA Methylation Quantification Kit(Colorimetric)




m6A RNA Methylation Quantification Kit(Colorimetric)(圖2)



m6A RNA Methylation Quantification Kit(Colorimetric)(圖3)


極速:檢測方便快速。整個操作步驟僅需 3 小時 45 分鍾。

● 高(gāo)敏:檢測的(de)最低(dī)下限為(wèi) 10 pg 的(de) m6 A 。

● 特異性好:獨特的(de)結合液容許 >70 nts 的(de)RNA 緊緊的(de)結合在孔上,可(kě)以定量檢測來自(zì)mRNA和(hé)ncRNA如(rú)tRNA,rRNA 和(hé)snRNA。

● 專一(yī)性強:優化的(de)抗體和(hé)增強劑溶液可(kě)以特異的(de)定量檢測 m6 A,對于特定片段腺苷濃度範圍的(de)未甲基化樣本RNA 不會産生交叉反應。

● 靈活性好:96 孔可(kě)拆卸闆模式使研究人員能根據自(zì)己需要選擇手工或是高(gāo)通量模式分析。

● 可(kě)信:操作簡便、可(kě)信、分析 條件始終如(rú)一(yī)。


說明書下載:m6A RNA Methylation Quantification Kit(Colorimetric).pdf    
